Ye olde days of celebrity journalism were relentless, but fun. So, what do new showbiz writers need to do to keep the industry alive and thriving - especially during awards season? Let's discuss...
All my comments are kvetch-based. Here's another. I, too, as you know, was a publicist in the theatre. PR was a business of relationships. It was one of the most parts of it. We're dinosaurs. I'm pre-dinosaur! I'm reading "Doppelganger" and what Naomi Klein says is true. Social media enables every person on the planet to be there own brand. Why does someone need a publicist? Or a writer? Or most things, for that matter. FUCK! W're all going to be replaced by AI. (I've really have morphed into Debby Downer!!!).
All my comments are kvetch-based. Here's another. I, too, as you know, was a publicist in the theatre. PR was a business of relationships. It was one of the most parts of it. We're dinosaurs. I'm pre-dinosaur! I'm reading "Doppelganger" and what Naomi Klein says is true. Social media enables every person on the planet to be there own brand. Why does someone need a publicist? Or a writer? Or most things, for that matter. FUCK! W're all going to be replaced by AI. (I've really have morphed into Debby Downer!!!).