44 and September sounds like a great combo to have a fresh start - nothing like the feel of a new term to use as a springboard. Your skills are so transferable, there’s no reason you can’t do anything, I guess you’ll need to decide whether earning the same is as important or whether you can take a hit while you find your feet. I’m 48 and very much in that mindset. I also went to Richmond college but it sounds like you made a much better go of being there 🤪. Good luck!

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Ok we need a drink, I’m about to pivot (is it possible to say this without thinking of Ross and the sofa on the stairs) for the third time and it sounds like we need to give each other a kick up the backside. X

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YES. Let’s. PIVOT.

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OOOh I love this, what's the next step? I've trained as a coach and help small businesses feel ok about being visible and bought a holiday cottage and made it really dog friendly. It is a bloody dream to do I tell you! Even the cleaning. Cant wait to hear what you do next!

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Love this - and in the same boat. Are you thinking to retrain? Something completely different?

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We only live once. Why do the same thing our entire life? Spread your wings. Experiment! Life is for self-discovery, fun and living. Great piece, btw.

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It's good to stop the hamster wheel at times and examine whether your life is fulfilling. Now, you need to look for what attributes will make you excited to wake up every damn day and go to work. All the best!

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A great, thought provoking post. I’m also 44 and having similar thoughts about what to do next! Good luck with your new venture. I know you’ll smash whatever you have your sights on next!

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Let’s go own it! 🚀

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Another fantastic read.

Thank you Dean for sharing.

Very interesting x

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Thanks! Xx

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